WL: Guess My Name, Dump Bumbers, Olympics, ...

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 WL: Guess my name, Dump Bumbers, Olympics, ...

WL: Guess my name, Dump Bumbers, Olympics, ...

Finding Nemo (IMDB) was a pretty good movie! Here are the links for this weekend! Enjoy!

The world-record tumor weighted 17.6 pounds before it was removed!

photoBlocker Spray is gonna pay for itself if you don't stop at a red light or speed once!

Les Grimaces!

The future SUV!

The Internet Squeegee Guy will wash the inside of your monitor screen for spare change.

Since you guys liked Europe vs. Italy link, here's another animation by the same director: Mr. Otto goes to Olympics!

Now, these are a bunch of *REALLY* interesting animals!

Another cool idea and a weird game: Guess my name!

Dumb Bumpers is dedicated to the observation and documentation of strange, unusual, and of course humorous bumper stickers found around the world.

Tue Jul 15, 2003   (12:08 AM) | Permalink | Persian Version | Keep Reading

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