Hoax Photo Or Not?

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 Hoax photo or not?

Hoax photo or not?

A friend of mine sent these pictures of George Bush looking through his binoculars without uncapping them and another one in which he is reading a book upside down. You probably have seen these photos which have been circulating around the Internet for the past few days. I found them funny, as you did.

Browsing the most popular links on blogdex, I found a Hoax Photo Test web site which contains a bunch of those strange forwarded pictures. Always wondering whether or not they were hoax, took the test. According to the web site, the picture of Bush reading upside down is a hoax.

I was reading a book named What's so Funny by my previous landlord, Murray S. Davis yesterday and I think one of the jokes (or maybe a true story) is related to this subject.

Once, the Nixons were staying at a hotel in Chicago when a fire alarm went off in the middle of the night. Hundreds of guests, including Richard and Pat Nixon, were headed into the lobby. Once Nixon realized that it was a false alarm, he and his wife headed for the elevator to return to their room.
- "Just a minute," said the hotel's security chief. "Everyone stays in the lobby until we get the 'all clear' signal from the Fire Personel."
- "I'm the vice president," Nixon said.
- "Oh," the security chief said. "Sorry. Go right ahead to your room then."
Nixon pressed the elevator button, and the security chief had second thoughts.
- "Vice president?" he asked himslef. "Wait a moment, vice president of what?"
- "Of the United States of America," Nixon answered.
- "Get back out here," the security chief said. "I thought you were a vice president of the hotel." :-)

Tue Nov 19, 2002   (05:59 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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