Weekend Fun!

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 Weekend Fun!

Last night was so fun being with Berkeley friends Tekno and Elvis and south bay friends Eangelica and Serina enjoying Jeff's great live music in Sunnyvale.

Yes, the wait is over! Cool links ar here:

Page not found or 404 porn not found? [blogdex]

Plump? or Bump? Try to guess which ones of these women are pregnant!

Big Maze

Optical Illusions. My favorite: Movement Illusion

This californian guy wants to collect 1 million AOL promotional CDs and sends them back to AOL headquarters! Send him yours if you have any. Stop AOL

If you drink a lot of beer, you probably can answer Beer Quiz!

Cool halloween custome! (Paental guidance required!)

Omar Al Zabir Portal looks like a new version of windows and is one of the greatest things ever on the web! Loved it!

Teetering [Link from Reza Nezhadsoleyman]

Gonna go play basketball with Brien and his folks. Have a good weekend!

Sat Nov 16, 2002   (02:52 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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