Smart Engine!!!

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 Smart Engine!!!

Have you seen Smart Engine? It's a pretty fantastic search engine that tries to play smart and answer your multiple choice questions!! Pretty funny, ha?! The funnier thing is Smart Engine usually works! You do not believe it unless you Try it yourself!

Story from BoingBoing:

"Intelligent" software answers questions unintelligent you already know the answer to

Toolset's "Smart Engine" is a bot that answers multiple choice questions. Input a question like, "Who wrote The Hobbit?" and answers like "Tolkein," "Tolkien," "Lewis," and "Heinlein" and it will answer correctly.

I tried asking about color of different things, writers of different books, capitals of the countries and presidents and it answered all of them correctly (obvious ones), but couldn't answer mathematical questions! ;-)

Wed Oct 16, 2002   (10:42 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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