The Perl Foundation Needs Your Help

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 The Perl Foundation Needs Your Help

The Perl Foundation Needs Your HelpIf somebody asks me what the most pleasant programming language is, my answer will definitly be Perl. Perl is a high-level programming language with an eclectic heritage written by Larry Wall and a cast of thousands. I just love it, strong syntax, great file/text processing power and database access and wonderful regular expression support.
The reason perl is free is because the original culture of the pre-populist Internet and deeply-held belief of Perl's author, Larry Wall, gave rise to the free and open distribution policy of Perl. Now, it's supported by its users.
But it looks like the grants to fund Perl have pretty much run out, Please donate here and keep the open source community going if you like perl, feel generous and don't want to spend 100 times more money on future commercial software!
Read more on Slashdot...
Tue Jul 9, 2002   (10:18 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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