The Aircraft

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 The Aircraft

In opening the session, NarayanaMurthy(Infosys)

mentioned a

hypothetical situation where 20 executives

board an airplane and are told that the

flight that they are about to take is the

first-ever to feature pilotless technology:

It is an uncrewed aircraft.

Each one of the CEOs is then told, privately,

that their company's software is running

the aircraft's automatic pilot system.

Nineteen of the CEOs promptly leave the aircraft,

each offering a different type of excuse.

One CEO alone remains on board the jet, seeming

very calm indeed. Asked why he is so confident in this

first uncrewed flight, he replies: "If it's the

same software that runs my company's IT systems,

this plane won't even take off."

Speaking of computers and IT stuff, I received an e-mail from an Iranian company a couple of days ago. The e-mail contained one of the funniest advertisements I had ever seen, advertising private hacking training. The subjects are hacking Yahoo! mail accounts and how to hack Internet users' accounts. :-) Some of the even have prerequisits!! Check out their website! And, this is how some teenagers empty their parents' pockets to learn the hacking art(!), abuse the science to find credit card information and it takes a century for the country to convince people of the security of credit cards and issue them. So glad they're not advertising in English, otherwise, the world would laugh at us..
Tue Jul 2, 2002   (10:23 AM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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