Audiogalaxy Agrees To Filter Songs

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 Audiogalaxy agrees to filter songs

Audiogalaxy agrees to filter songsFresh news: Audiogalaxy, a popular Internet file-swapping service, agreed Monday to filter copyrighted works as part of a legal settlement with the recording industry.
Under the settlement, Audiogalaxy is required to obtain permission or consent from a songwriter, music publisher and/or recording company to use and share copyrighted works. In addition, Audiogalaxy has agreed to pay the music publishers and recording industry an undetermined amount of money based on Audiogalaxy's assets and interest in resolving the case quickly, according to the RIAA.
According to, audiogalaxy has been downloaded 30 million times. Their stastics show the highest download numbers on file sharing software.
Great news for the people who care about copyright and protecting the value of music, ha? Obvously not for the people like us! Full story from CNET
Mon Jun 17, 2002   (10:49 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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