Test Your IQ

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 Test your IQ

Here's a very cool test from BBC, just follow the instructions and Test your IQ. The results will be sent to your e-mail adress, just make sure you use your real address. You can go back to the above link to analyze how well you did on the test and where you stand. You can also use this conversion table to see if you are considered a genius or not. Good luck!
What is IQ? IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient, the IQ score is a statistically derived number which indicates relative and comparative abilities that can be used to obtain academic skills and knowledge. IQ was used as a means to control immigration in the US in the 1920s.
[I didn't know that allegedly Marilyn Monroe had a higher IQ than Einstein..!]
Wed May 15, 2002   (06:02 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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