Crazy People Around The World!

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 Crazy people around the world!

Crazy people around the world!You have probably heard the news, the Police arrested this 21-year-old college student by tracking his cell phone, after a high-speed car chasing outside Reno. He was planting pipe bombs across the states as you may remember the story.
Guess what he said today?! He was aiming to make a very huge 'smiley face' across the country!! The first 16 bombs were arranged in two circles, one in Illinois and Iowa and the other in Nebraska. On a map, the circles could resemble the eyes of the 1970s happiness symbol. The final two bombs, found in Colorado and Texas, form an arc that could be the beginning of a smile.
Story from Reuters
Thu May 9, 2002   (08:20 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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