Motorola T8160/V60 Comparison

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 Motorola T8160/V60 Comparison

Motorola T8160/V60 ComparisonSome of you guys asked me to write a review to compare V60 to T8160 in details. Here's a quick comparison:
:: T8160: Stronger body, less risk of losing (it's bigger), powerful backlight (I used it as a flashlight sometimes!), easier to open, longer lifetime of battery, interchangeable battery cover and capable of providing very high volume (powerful internal speaker)
:: V60: Tri band, Smaller, lighter, Voice dialing capability, bigger phone book storage, "2 way" test messaging system, voice note feature, personal calendar, more ring tones and cute external display featuring caller ID/Time/Alerts
Both have web browser, messaging, back-light, ...
For the guys asked about the actual size, just check out real photo, V60 is almost invisible in my hand as you can see, T8160 one is right on the keyboard.
Finally, if you want to have a cute phone with advanced features, get V60. If you want a phone that works "like a man" for you and lasts you more, get T8160 (if you can find one).
Sat Mar 30, 2002   (05:24 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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