Cell Phone Is Screwed

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 Cell Phone is Screwed

Cell Phone is ScrewedMy Motorola T8160 I purchased 9 months ago from Verizon Wireless is broken. It was (and still is) a pretty good cell phone, I almost threw it 10 times (longest distance was 30 feet when I was jogging) and nothing happened to it. [Strong, ha?!]
Rightnow, the problem is that the light doesn't turn on once it's opened (the sensor is screwed), therefore, the call won't be eneded after its door is closed. I gonna change it to prevent any additional charges on my bill due to multi-hour calls!
Rest in peace dear cell phone, I bent your straight antenna into a curve (my pockets are too small, I agree with you!), I scratched your body and threw you many times, now it's time for you to rest. God bless ya! :-)
Mon Mar 18, 2002   (10:45 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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