Mexican Restaurant Specialty


A couple go to Mexico City for vacation and go to a famous local
restaurant. They ask the waiter's opinion about what to order, and he
tells them they have a special each Sunday that's wonderful, so the
couple orders that.

With great fanfare, the waiter brings out a large silver serving
platter with two huge steaming rounds of meat, juices dripping; it
smells delicious and tastes even better.

The couple are delighted with their meal and ask the waiter just
what the fabulous meat dish was. "Senor," he explains, "each Saturday
night, we have the bullfights, and that was the bull's balls you ate.

The couple are a bit taken aback by what they had just eaten, but
it was delicious, so they get over it.

Six months later, the couple returns back in Mexico City and
decide to go to the same same restaurant. Feeling adventuresome, they
order the same dish.

Once again, with great fanfare, the waiter brings out the huge
silver serving dish and places it on the table. But this time there
are two tiny pieces of meat, barely enough for one.

The man says, "excuse me, but the last time we were here and
ordered this dish, it was huge, more than enough for two. Why is this
one so small?"

The waiter smiles and replies, " Well you see, senor, sometimes
the bull wins!"

More Mexican

  1. [page] American In Mexico
  2. [page] Bungee Jumping In Mexico
  3. [page] Death By Mexican
  4. [page] Mexican Funeral
  5. [page] Mexican Green Pink And Yellow
  6. [page] Mexican Restaurant Specialty
  7. [page] Mexican Smuggler
  8. [page] Mexican Or Mexicant
  9. [page] SinoMexican Relations
  10. [page] The Mexican Firefighter
  11. [page] What Did The Mexican Say When The House Fell