Narrator: The Moon. For Several Years, She Has Fascinated Many.

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Narrator: The moon. For several years, she has fascinated many. But
will man ever walk on her fertile surface?
[cut to a shot of Adlai Stevenson at some sort of press
Democratic hopeful Adlai Stevenson says so.
Stevenson: I have no objection to man walking on the moon.
[photographers snap several pictures]
[cut back to the moon where a family plays on the moon's
fertile surface]
Narrator: By 1964, experts say man will have established twelve
colonies on the moon, ideal for family vacations.
[a man fishes a comely moon maiden out of a crater. She
winks at the audience]
[a chart shows the difference]
Once there, you'll weigh only a small percentage of what
you weigh on Earth.
[cut to a shot of a chubby boy eating pie]
Slow down, tubby! You're not on the moon yet!
[cut to a shot of the moon, with an American flag
superimposed on it. The camera pulls back to reveal some
men in spacesuits]
The moon belongs to America, and anxiously awaits the
arrival of our astro-men. Will you be among them?
[fini. The film runs off the reel]
Ralph: Miss Hoover, the movie's over.
Lisa: Where's Miss Hoover?
Janey: [looks out the window] Hey, her car's gone.
Ralph: Maybe she drove to the moon.
-- "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson"
