Okay, I Think That I Can Now Return To My Country And My Village.

HomeFortune CookiesShlomi Fish

"Okay, I think that I can now return to my country and my village. By the
way, how many forbidden books do you have?"

"Oh,", one of them said to me, " their number grows up geometrically. When I
checked two weeks ago, their number was 2,148,763. A week ago there were
4,278,109 forbidden writings. Now there must be about 8,600,000."

"You are wrong.", I said to him.

"I beg your pardon?"

"There are now exactly 8,517,559 or 8,517,560 forbidden books."

"Why is it so important?"

"Why, it means that meanwhile you have 82,440 or 82,441 extra books you can
read at bedtime if you can't fall asleep!"

"The Enemy and how I Helped to Fight It"
Shlomi Fish
