Gweep: /gweep/ [WPI] 1. V. To {hack}, Usually At Night.

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:gweep: /gweep/ [WPI] 1. v. To {hack}, usually at night. At
WPI, from 1977 onwards, one who gweeped coud often be found at the
College Computing Center punching cards or crashing the {PDP-10}
or, later, the DEC-20. The term has survived the demise of those
technologies, however, and is still alive in late 1991. "I'm
going to go gweep for a while. See you in the morning." "I gweep
from 8 PM till 3 AM during the week." 2. n. One who habitually
gweeps in sense 1; a {hacker}. "He's a hard-core gweep,
mumbles code in his sleep."
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
