Glark: /glark/ Vt. To Figure Something Out From Context.

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:glark: /glark/ vt. To figure something out from context. "The
System III manuals are pretty poor, but you can generally glark the
meaning from context." Interestingly, the word was originally
`glork'; the context was "This gubblick contains many
nonsklarkish English flutzpahs, but the overall pluggandisp can be
glorked [sic] from context" (David Moser, quoted by Douglas
Hofstadter in his "Metamagical Themas" column in the
January 1981 "Scientific American"). It is conjectured that
hackish usage mutated the verb to `glark' because {glork} was
already an established jargon term. Compare {grok},
-- The AI Hackers Dictionary
