During The Darkest Days Of World War II, When Each Night Brought Waves Of Luftwaffe Bombers Raining Death And Destruction On A Near-defenseless Londo

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During the darkest days of World War II, when each night brought waves
of Luftwaffe bombers raining death and destruction on a near-defenseless
London, Prime Minister Churchill went on the air to address the British
people. "I read this morning's paper that Herr Hitler plans to wring
England's neck like that of a chicken," he began, "and I was reminded of
what the Irish poacher said as he stood on the gallows. Its seems the
poor fellow was approached by a well-meaning if somewhat overzealous priest
who, in horrific detail, described the unfading torments of Hades which
awaited him if he did not repent of his misdeeds. The condemned man
listened patiently to all that the priest had to say, and when he was done,
grinned broadly and replied, 'Eat it raw, fuzz nuts.'"
