Data: "Geordi, As A Child, Did You Ever Experience A Traumatic Event?

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Data: "Geordi, as a child, did you ever experience a traumatic event?"
LaForge: "You're wondering about Timothy?" Data: "Yes." LaForge: "I
was...caught in a fire once. I must have been, I don't know, about
five, I guess? It was before I got the first VISOR. And, it was
only a couple of minutes before my parents found me and pulled me
out. And nobody got hurt, but...I tell you...that was the longest
couple of minutes in my life. It was a while after that before I
could even let my parents get out of earshot. It was like...I absolutely
needed to know that they were there, you know?" Data: "Timothy no
longer has that kind of support." LaForge: "Yeah."
-- "Hero Worship", Stardate 45397.3
