The Least Successful Defrosting Device The All-time Record Here Is Held By Mr.

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The Least Successful Defrosting Device
The all-time record here is held by Mr. Peter Rowlands of Lancaster
whose lips became frozen to his lock in 1979 while blowing warm air on it.
"I got down on my knees to breathe into the lock. Somehow my lips
got stuck fast."
While he was in the posture, an old lady passed an inquired if he
was all right. "Alra? Igmmlptk", he replied at which point she ran away.
"I tried to tell her what had happened, but it came out sort of...
muffled," explained Mr. Rowlands, a pottery designer.
He was trapped for twenty minutes ("I felt a bit foolish") until
constant hot breathing brought freedom. He was subsequently nicknamed "Hot
-- Stephen Pile, "The Book of Heroic Failures"
