Worf: "What Have You Found, Doctor?" Beverly: "Not Much.

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Worf: "What have you found, Doctor?"
Beverly: "Not much. The brain scans I've run are unusual, but there's no
damage to the hypocampus. That suggests that we still have our long-term
memories, but somehow they're being blocked."
Picard: "Is it possible to bypass these normal pathways, to get at these
memories some other way?"
Beverly: "That's what I'm hoping. What I need now is to see some normal brain
scans for a comparison. Is there any chance I can get the crew's medical
Worf: "No, we are currently running a full diagnostic. Computer resources are
Picard: "The medical records are our next priority."
Beverly: "Thank you."
-- "Conundrum", Stardate 45494.2
