THE TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE: * But First, It Will Make You Anxious.

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* but first, it will make you anxious.
* however, if it comes in the form of a utility bill, likely the first
thing to be freed up will be your bank book.
* however, if it comes as an estimate, you will be free to say "no thanks"
before you pass out.
* you will be free to pay for it after you get it, because there is nothing
all that free these days.
* but it will come in several costly lessons.
* assuredly, but the container in which it comes is tremendously expensive.
* so will prune juice, but have you noticed the price of the stuff lately?
* never mind the truth, it is the agent that brings it that must be paid.
* but it is the tax that is imposed for imparting it to you that is
* and so will All Bran, but the price for both is rising.
