Now My Own Suspicion Is That The Universe Is Not Only Queerer Than We Suppose, But Queerer Than We *can* Suppose.

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Now my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than
we suppose, but queerer than we *can* suppose. I have read and heard
many attempts at a systematic account of it, from materialism and
theosophy to the Christian systems or that of Kant, and I have
always felt that they were too simple. I suspect that there are more
things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of,
in any philosophy. That is the reason why I have no philosophy
myself, and must be my excuse for dreaming.
-- J. B. S. Haldane, British geneticist (1856-1928)
-- from "Possible Worlds", in "Possible Worlds and other essays",
-- Chatto & Windus, London, 1927. p286
