Kirk: "We Have A Problem. Something May Be Wrong On Regula One, We've Been Ordered To Investigate.

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Kirk: "We have a problem. Something may be wrong on Regula One, we've
been ordered to investigate." Spock: "If memory serves, Regula One
is a scientific research laboratory." Kirk: "I told Starfleet Command
all we have is a boatload of children, but we're the only ship in
the quadrant. Spock, these cadets of yours, how good are they?
How will they respond under real pressure?" Spock: "As with all living
things, each according to his gifts. Of course, the ship is yours."
Kirk: "No, that won't be necessary. Just get me to Regula One."
-- "STII:TWOK", Stardate 8130.4
