A Man And His Wife Were Traveling Through Kansas On A Hot Day

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A man and his wife were traveling through Kansas on a hot day; when they
stopped for gas the wife stayed in the car with the windows up and the air
conditioning going, while the husband stepped out to talk to the man servic-
ing the car. The gas jockey asked the husband where they were from and the
husband said, "Texas." The wife knocked on the window and yelled, "What did
he say?" "He asked where we were from." The gas jockey asked, "Where in
Texas?" "Ft. Worth." The wife knocked on the window and yelled, "What did
he say?" "He asked where in Texas." The gas jockey said, "Ft. Worth, Texas
... I been there. That's where I had the worst piece of ass I ever got in my
life!" The wife knocked on the window and yelled, "What did he say?" "He
said that he thinks he knows you!"
