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 Retrievr: The Next Generation of Image Search

I've always been waiting for a search engine that can understand the graphical input. Retrievr (Rhymes with Flickr) is off with a good start. Just draw a picture of a fish, a cat or a tree (yes, color is important), upload a photo, or enter the URL to a photo and it will search for similar pictures on the web.

Quite interesting, but has a long way to go.

Wed Feb 8, 2006   (05:41 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

 Christiane Amanpour Reports from Iran

Christiane Amanpour Reports from Iran

Iran's Underground: CNN's Christiane Amanpour looks at a surprisingly active artistic and intellectual underground in fundamentalist-ruled Iran (February 2)

She starts: "There are two Irans, two kinds of people...", reporting from Iran on the music bands who are literally underground.

Update: 5 segments of report on Iran shown on CNN International Thursday night.

Sat Feb 4, 2006   (11:31 AM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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