Gmail (Google Mail) Review And Screenshots

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 Gmail (Google Mail) Review and Screenshots

Gmail (Google Mail) Review and Screenshots

I finally got to play around and discover the various features of Gmail. Here's a small list of my findings along with a quick review:

Sweet things:

  1. Address completion [screenshot]
  2. Javascript hacks makes it very fast and easy to use
  3. Trying to navigate out of an unsent message triggers an "Are you sure you want to discard the message?" alert. [screenshot]
  4. E-mail snippet makes it very easy to browse through messages.
  5. Keyboard shortcuts are absolutely the best thing Gmail has offered. They ROCK if you are a hardcore unix user.
  6. "Personal level indicators" feature is a great one, indicating if a message is sent only to you or to a bunch of people.
  7. Starring (tagging) messages is fast. Something like what orkut uses to rank your friends.
  8. Wow! The fastest and the most sophisticated email spell checker in the world. It's like running your spell checking application on your machine! [screenshot]

Bitter things:

  1. Javascript errors: Search for a keyword and click on a message that is in your sent-item folder. Gmail couldn't open it in my case. [screenshot]
  2. Message sent to is displayed only as to: some_address - is it intentional? [screenshot]
  3. Account settings is tied to the google accounts (which is cool) but opens still feels like a separate system since it opens in a separate window :(
  4. Contacts opening in a new window. Again, an approach to have a system-wide contact list. Same for other upper menu settings...
  5. Why did they use the word "Label" instead of "Folder"?
  6. Last but not least, my Google account is not tied to my Gmail account although they share a common e-mail address.

Overall, Gmail is a very fast, easy to use webmail service and has introduced a number of great new features. It has given a new meaning to the "web application" term using excellent javascript hacks, which makes you feel you are browsing your e-mail using an offline e-mail client.

Gmail logo is courtesy of Google, Inc.

Mon Apr 12, 2004   (11:59 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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