Archive: 200403

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 The Degree Confluence Project

The Degree Confluence Project: "The project is an organized sampling of the world. There is a confluence within 49 miles (79 km) of you if you're on the surface of Earth. We've discounted confluences in the oceans and some near the poles, but there are still 13,053 to be found."

Yet another wonderful idea...

Sun Mar 21, 2004   (11:18 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

 Yahoo! vs. Google

Compare your Yahoo! ranking vs. Google in a visual format.

Sun Mar 21, 2004   (10:55 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

 MSN Sandbox

MSN Sandbox

MSN Sandbox is Microsoft's Google Labs featuring (a social networking web site like Orkut, friendster, etc.), NewsBot (like Google News and Sarkhat), Netscan (Google Groups) and Terra Server.

This is where I work (man, that's changed quite a lot since 13 years ago) and where I live now.

Good stuff! They still gotta study more on web usability though...

Thu Mar 18, 2004   (06:34 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

 Airport Bug, Saddam's Outkast and the Singhsons


Yay, looks like they're using XML, HTML and a buggy software to display flight schedules in San Francisco terminal.

Saddam's an Outkast (flash)

If you feel like smashing a guy in the face...

My favorite link of the weekend: The Singhsons!

Sat Mar 13, 2004   (11:25 AM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

 Oscar Pictures

Oscar Pictures

Some pictures of the 76th academy awards.

Tue Mar 2, 2004   (06:22 PM) | Permalink | Keep Reading

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