David.G: Cool page, fun and interesting, keep in that way, tanks. Desde Barna una salutacio a tots els catalans que visitin aquesta página.
(28 Jun 2002)
Tony Martin:
Oh, I think this guestbook does support html. Cool. Okay, if any nice persian women like my picture, contact me!
: )
(26 Jun 2002)
Tony Martin: Yes, I'm that webdude guy with the URL on the back of my car you saw driving around Berkeley. I was once married to a persian woman. She was the most sexiest, and most loveliest woman ever. Then she broke my heart. That bitch! Does this guestbook support HTML???25 years since I ate any animals. Where's my veggie burger?
(26 Jun 2002)
babak: Thank you !! for your amusing site.
I realy enjoyed , I had good
times , and I will tell my
friends about your site.
Thanks again and Good Luck
Graduated from Sharif too
(26 Jun 2002)
Farhad: Salam khedmate ahmad agha
man ye khaheshi az shoma va designerha va programmera daram va oonam ine shoma ke faregh az darso in masael hastid va bishtar forsate inkararo darid yekam dar zamineye pishrafte web site ha dar iran ya hadeaghal site-e khodetoon bekooshid nemigam bad hast na ama hameye sitehaye irani mese bede.. ya jokesta.... ya irancli..... ya rooz.... kilisheyee va ye jooran va aslan site-i mese yahoo.com peida nemishe ma nabayad dar in sath bemoonim vaghena mitoonim pishraft konimba inke emkanat nesbat be kharej shayad kamtar az 1/1000 bashe vali bayad khodemoono bekeshim bala va balatar
be omide tahaghoghe in masale
(24 Jun 2002)
kadir: سلام
سايت زيبا، مفيدو باحالى داريد. برايتان شادى و شادكامى آرزو دارم.
(23 Jun 2002)
Ameera Morris: Hi Ahmad - Hey, I love your site! I'm thinking of wearing hijab and I love the new model -- going to try it!!! Thanks! - Ameera
(23 Jun 2002)
ashkan: zende bad iran zende bad azadi zende bad khatami
(23 Jun 2002)
nnamani: I love this site.It's a great that I can't afford to miss.And I need a friend that I can do business with.I done throw this site.Ndi-Igbo
(21 Jun 2002)
Dokhtare: I like it...but it was full of pictures :)
any way..
Good LuCk..
(14 Jun 2002)
negin: it was fantastic homepage,i really enjoyed it,i always beleave that you are great and geniuse.and ive missed u so much .i wish you the best!
(14 Jun 2002)
(06 Jun 2002)
Athula Indika Dias: I am an university student of faculty of engineering,University of Peradeniya.I would like to Know about you and your friend called "Nazavi".
(06 Jun 2002)
Natasha: LoL...lets try this again. I'm 16, and Persian, it's comforting to see people connecting witht their culture, and sharing it with others. I go to Iran every summer, so I enjoyed this site! ~Thanks
(06 Jun 2002)
Natasha: Interesting website, Im persian, and 16years old, its nice to see people connecting with their culture, and sharing it with others!
(06 Jun 2002)