Guest Book - ~*SuMMeR ANdErSOn*~ - 05/21/2002


Name:   ~*SuMMeR ANdErSOn*~
E-Mail:   ~NoNe~
Web Page:   ~DoNt hAvE OnE~
Location:   ~CiNCiNNaTi,OhiO~
Birth Year:   ~WhY U wAnNa kNoW~
Gender:   Female
Comments:   HeY... I jUSt WAnTeD tO SiGN yOUr G-BoOK C yA :o)
Fortune:   TRS-80 Level-I BASIC could only store two string variables, A$ and B$. Similarly, I was born with only two bug-storing-slots in my brain. At any given time, I can only remember two bugs. If you ask me

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