Kent, S Clark: great site i just love it. If any one is interested im looking for corrispondence for futere bussiness transactions. My company does many things just email me
(13 Aug 2006)
Orn Myhre: Do you know that you and all other people on this earth, have violated Gods law ? Gods law is the 10 commandments. You need to repent from your sins and turn to Jesus while you still have time. The bible tells us that a sinner who dies without repenting ang turning to Jesus will be jugded by God after your sins. A person who turns and repents will be forgiven all his sins. Hope I see you in heaven dear friend.
(11 Aug 2006)
Justin Time: im am 46 year old business owner. im am looking for corospondence reguarding futre business transactions. if interested, please contact me.
thanks in advance.
(10 Aug 2006)