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Did You Hear About The Aging Ingenue Who Thinks The Best Way To Keep Her Youth Is Never To Introduce Him To Other Girls.
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Did you hear about the aging ingenue who thinks the best way to
keep her youth is never to introduce him to other girls.
Did you hear about the practical young miss who bought a negligee with fur around the hemline to keep her neck warm.
Did you hear about the drunken midget who walked into a home for girls and kissed everybody in the joint.
Did you hear about the woman who hates her husband so much that she closes her eyes during intercourse because she doesn't want to see him enjoying himself.
Did you hear about the fellow who maintains a special register of particularly accommodating girls.
He refers to it as his blew book....
Did you hear about the fellow who chased his girlfriend up a tree and kissed her between the limbs.
Did you hear about the girl who was so undesirable that she even turned her vibrator off.
Did you hear about the nun who was two monks behind in her period.
Did you hear about the ambitious secretary who walked into her boss's office and demanded a salary on next week's advance.
Did you hear about the imaginative California nun who claimed that her pregnancy was San Andreas' fault.