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Bone Of My Bones, And Flesh Of My Flesh -- Old Testament -- Genesis Ii, 23
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Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh
-- Old Testament
-- Genesis ii, 23
Flesh of thy flesh, nor yet bone of thy bone.
-- Du Bartas (1544-1590) -- Divine Weekes and Workes, Second Week, Fourth Day, Book ii...
Am I my brother's keeper? -- Old Testament -- Genesis iv, 9
All flesh is grass. -- Old Testament -- Isaiah xl, 6
A pack of wild weasels ripped into my flesh.
It will not out of the flesh that is bred in the bone.
-- John Heywood (c. 1565) -- Proverbes, Part ii, Chap. viii...
What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh.
-- Pilpay (or Bidpai) -- The Two Fishermen, Chap. ii, Fable xiv...
Oh, give me a clone Of my own flesh and bone With the Y chromosome changed to X.
And when she is grown, My very own clone, We'll be of the opposite sex....
Heat, ma'am!" I said; "it was so dreadful here, that I found there was nothing left for it but to take off my flesh and sit in my bones.
-- Sydney Smith (1769-1845) -- Lady Holland's Memoir, Vol. i, p. 267...
Bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave. -- Old Testament -- Genesis xlii, 38