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The Attempt To Tear Down Our President's Leadership With The Knowledge Of The Issues Has Not Failed.
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The attempt to tear down our president's leadership with the knowledge
of the issues has not failed.
-- Vice President George Bush
Our trick, Rush - not a trick, our challenge - our challenge is to make the American people comfortable with the leadership George Bush will offer in the next four years.
-- Vice President Dan Quayle, on the Rush Limbaugh show....
Gorbachev has stolen our issues.
God bless mommy and daddy and President George Bush, for at least as long as Dan Quayle is Vice President.
-- New American Praye...
Make no mistake about it, this president is in charge.
He is in touch. -- Vice President George Bush, on Ronald W. Reaga...
The election is this: the Great Communicator against the Great Depressor.
.. We are going for the gold! -- Vice President George Bush, 1984...
We love your adherence to democratic principles.
-- Vice President George Bush, to Ferdinand Marco...
I'm going to be a vice president very much like George Bush was.
He proved to be a very effective vice president, perhaps the most effective we've had in a couple of hundred years....
Just call him the vacation president. -- An aide to President George Bush
While our economy may be beset by difficulty, it should not be beset by doubt.
-- President George Bush, February 1991...