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All I Want To Know Is: WHY ME?
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All I want to know is: WHY ME?
Bender: I don't know why, but when I look down at their little faces it makes me want to puke.
.. in a good way....
Why not? -- What? -- Why not? -- Why should I not send it?
Why should I not dispatch it? -- Why not? -- Strange!...
I come from a good home - that's why they don't want me back.
Burns: Now, let's get down to business. Homer: [thinks] Oh, man.
I have to go to the bathroom. Why did I have all that beer and coffee and watermelon?...
All of a sudden, I want to THROW OVER my promising ACTING CAREER, grow a LONG BLACK BEARD and wear a BASEBALL HAT!
! ... Although I don't know WHY!! -- Zippy the Pinhead...
It all seems so stupid, it makes me want to give up.
But why should I give up, when it all seems so stupid. -- Martin Gore...
McCoy: "Damn it, Jim, what the hell's the matter with you?
Other people have birthdays, why are we treating yours like a funeral?...
I don't know what you mean by YOUR way, all the ways about here belong to ME - but why did you come out here at all?
I know I'm bending the rules tonight, but I also know none of you wants that skunk Burns to take our treasure.
And I want you to know that when I die, you're all welcome to visit me in rich men's heaven....