[esp. in the BBS world] The operator
(and usually the owner) of a bulletin-board system. A common
neophyte mistake on FidoNet is to address a message to
`sysop' in an international echo, thus sending it to
hundreds of sysops around the world.
bboard /bee'bord/ n.
[contraction of `bulletin board']
1. Any electronic bulletin board; esp. used of BBS systems
running on personal micros, less frequently of a Usenet
newsgroup (in fact, use of this term for a newsgroup generally
marks one either as a newbie fresh in from the BBS world or as
a real old-timer predating Usenet)....
bboard: /bee'bord/ [contraction of `bulletin board'] n.
1. Any electronic bulletin board; esp. used of {BBS} systems
running on personal micros, less frequently of a USENET
{newsgroup} (in fact, use of this term for a newsgroup generally
marks one either as a {newbie} fresh in from the BBS world or as
a real old-timer predating USENET)....